Disten promoting positive mental health in the workplace

Construction can be a rewarding and varied industry to work in. But it’s also one where pressures can be high, and people can be more likely than average to experience work-related stress and other mental health issues. For employees, it often hasn’t felt easy to come forward, mention that something’s wrong or ask a colleague to talk.


But things are changing. Disten has identified that a healthy mind leads to happier workforce and we are starting to see our staff’s mental health as a priority.


Elaine Cummings from Disten has recently completed Mental Health awareness Training and she is now acting as the company’s mental health awareness champion.

ISO Certification

Disten has been granted ISO 9001 and the ISO 14001 certification. This means that the company has implemented a quality management system in which all processes and procedures have been carefully designed and quality-tested according to international standards.

 “Providing excellent quality in everything has always been our objective. The ISO certification procedure confirms that our quality management and Environmental procedures meet highest standards. This certification is a credit to the hard-working office staff and operatives on site who have been working towards certification for the past eighteen months.”


Disten Apprentice Programme

The purpose of the Disten Apprenticeship Programme is to develop the best and brightest apprentices to become world-class craft professionals.  We ensure that our apprentices receive excellent technical training, graduated practical work challenges, superb coaching and mentoring.

Disten invest in a new state of the art mobile welfare units

mobile welfare

This investment demonstrates Disten’s commitment to its Health & Safety obligations to provide suitable welfare facilities for its workers.

These Mobile Welfare units seat 6 people in comfort and with a dedicated 40 litre storage capacity for each person the unit offers practicality and safety whilst maximising the useable space.

The Road Towable Welfare Units have design at their core, they are designed with market leading features and designed to meet the HSE welfare requirements.

The key features of these units are:

  • 6-man Welfare
  • All Road Towable
  • 7KVA Generator
  • Huge storage areas
  • Catering grade stainless steel food prep area
  • Generator / Drying room
  • Ceiling mounted fan heater